The Gift Registry is a tool that families or groups may use to easily list and share
individual gift suggestions for special occasions such as Christmas, weddings, kids birthdays, etc. Select your family from the list on the left side of the Home page, and then each
family member enters their gift suggestions for specific registries (i.e. Christmas 2009). Any member can then view and/or print the list of all family
member suggestions. A "family" defined here depends on how you do gift exchanges. The family may consist of just your immediate family, or it may
include your family along with your parents, and brother's and sister's families. And then if you have a spouse, you may have another gift registry family for
their side. Or the family may be a group that is participating in an Adopt-A-Family or some other program. If any family that is not in the list would like
to use this tool, just
submit a request to add your family. You may try the tool and play with any part of it by using the
"Demo" families. The password is "test" for all Demo users, and the TestUser2 is linked between the two Demo families.
Those of you that create gift suggestion lists will quickly realize these benefits from using this tool: